Good information.
I'm also a dinosaur tuner from the "MAP Tuning" days of yester-year trying to figure out how to make BM3 do what I could do with other EMSs. Learning the intricacies of "Load Based Tuning" and with the principles of DI has been exciting, but slow.
Just as the OP stated, the table descriptions are terrible. They seem to be named in a complex manor intentionally to sound erudite or something... but, once you start really understanding how they influence each other, they start to make sense... well, a little.
If anyone has any other good resources on tuning with BM3 specifically, or where to find information, I know I would be greatly appreciative.
But yeah, so far, lots of great info buried in the threads... and I know I've said it before, but why does this board not have a dedicated
Engine Management forum?!